Edit a Press Release
Editable Press Release format examples

Free Press Release Templates

Design a professional press release format template. Customize the best press release page designs with clicks.

Edit a Press Release Editable Press Release format examples

Edit a business press release template for events, news, or exclusive launches. Customize a basic press release template online in minutes. Upload your photos, logos, and text with information. Create an elegantly designed event media release template in seconds.

Printable simple Press Release template


Free sample Press Release templates

Do you want to create a press release about a press release or a business event to publicize it? Do you want your press release not to go unnoticed and get the attention of the readers it will reach?  

We have created elegant and modern press release templates for journalists and media companies. Customize generic press release templates to include texts, corporate colors, and photos of the people or products you want to promote in a mailing list or newsletter. Do it from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Use our free online editor and discover how to impact your audience online in minutes!

Also edit templates for official statements.

Blank Press Release template to customize online


Customize an official Press Release template

See how easy it is to customize a press release writing format in our intuitive editor!

  1. Click on a press release promotion example you like from this article. At the bottom, you will find a large waterfall with more press release layouts.
  2. Customize it by clicking on each aspect you want to change: fonts, texts, photos, logo, and more.
  3. Save your press release brief template in the cloud automatically generated when creating your free account. This way, you can always refer to your template without having to customize it again from scratch.
  4. Download your press release article example in PDF to print in high resolution or JPG or PNG to share in emails, social media, etc.

That's it! We have also created templates for you to make newspaper sheets.

Free sample Press Release template for event


How to edit a Press Release design template

Our horizontal or vertical online press release templates (for artists, politicians, sports clubs, etc.) consist of the following sections:

Build strong relationships by boosting your media presence! Be the news the media wants to cover!

Editable company Press Release template to download


Download Press Release template pages in minutes

Our new product press release templates communicate information through a design that makes a positive impact on readers. Succeed in communicating!

Go to our graphic and intuitive editor and design a press release outline template for your business!

Editable Press Release format examples

Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
Edit a Press Release
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