Edit a design on human rights
See the designs

Customize posters on Human Rights

Design free custom human rights posters with Edit.org's free templates. Edit and print them in minutes.

Edit a design on human rights See the designs

Use Edit.org's free customizable templates to create human rights designs.

Custom human rights education flyer example


Create a human rights poster online

Drafted by the United Nations, human rights are a set of fundamental and universal rights for everybody: dignity, freedom, security, equality, etc. They are intended to guarantee the abolition of poverty, sexism, labor abuse, harassment, child labor, etc. All of them are included in the Declaration of Human Rights, totaling 30.

Teaching and promoting them to others, especially in schools and non-profit organizations, is essential to continue fighting for them and achieve the goals set in the long term.

Create free printable designs to promote human rights on Edit.org. Make designs about a single universal right and posters mentioning regarding than one, as well as flyers to announce events. On the editor, you will also find other editable templates for solidarity campaigns.

Editable human equality poster to print


Edit a human rights poster on Edit.org

  1. Click on a poster in this article or go to the editor
  2. Select the template you like the most for customization
  3. Edit it with other colors, fonts, elements, and images
  4. Save the layout
  5. Download the final result to print or share on social media

Free human rights campaign poster


Print your human rights poster in a few minutes

Add the images you want to your design. You can upload your photos or insert images from the Internet without copyright from the same editor and in a simple way. You can also change the colors, elements, logo, and text fonts to customize your design as much as you want.

When you finish your poster, save the final composition on your user profile to continue editing it at another time or to create copies of the same template. This way, from a single template, you can create more posters or other types of designs you need. Download them in JPG, PNG, or PDF in the highest quality for printing or sharing on your social networks.

Start now with your designs on human rights at Edit.org.

See the designs

Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
Edit a design on human rights
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