Edit a social distance template
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Social distance free posters

Communicate the social distance in your business with Edit.org free editable posters. Customize, download, and print them within minutes.

Edit a social distance template See the designs

Maintaining the social distance between people is crucial to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. If you have a business or office, you must communicate it when you open your shop, restaurant, or any small local business. 

Free poster template for social distance coronavirus


Create a free social distancing poster for your business

We all want to reactivate the economy, but to avoid new confinement because of a possible rebound in the number of infected, one of the most vital recommendations of the World Health Organization is to keep a minimum social distance of 6 feet. Check out these Edit.org free social distance poster templates for your businessYou can customize them in one click, print and hang on your walls.

Keeping a proper social distance must be done both in public and private spaces, even though we should be more careful in closed areas since there are limited space and ventilation. These designs will help to avoid the transmission of the virus between people.


How to personalize free social distancing posters on Edit.org

  1. Click on any image of this article or go to the editor to get started
  2. Select the template you want to edit
  3. Customize it with images, texts, elements, and logo
  4. Save the changes and download the composition in JPG, PNG or PDF format
  5. Print the final result


Customizable social distance templates

Keep the distance queue free poster template

Also, we recommend using these free templates of protocols and recommendations for businesses such as restaurants, bars, shops, supermarkets, etc. You can modify them in a minute with your logo, corporate colors, change the texts, etc. In Edit.org, you can also find maximum capacity posters to meet the maximum recommended capacity to avoid infections.

Stay apart social distance free template

Communicating these recommendations with a good design helps them to be accomplished, reinforces your identity and visual brand, and also helps convey the human values of your company and protect people around you. Start using them and protect your clients and employees!

See the designs

Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
Edit a social distance template
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Edit a social distance template