Edit a Day of the Dead template
See the designs

Customize Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos posters

Find out the best templates for the Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos at Edit.org, ready to customize and print for free in minutes.

Edit a Day of the Dead template See the designs

Customize free templates to create posters, banners, or flyers for the Day of the Dead on Edit.org's graphic editor.

Printable poster for the Day of the Dead


Create Day of the Dead posters online

The Day of the Dead is a traditional Mexican celebration that takes place on November 2. It dates back to Aztec times and aims to honor and remember those who have passed away through different activities: conferences, parades, altars with offerings, activities for children, etc.

Both businesses and local entities organize events for the community characterized by the presence of color. Unlike Halloween, where dark colors and terrifying elements predominate, the Day of the Dead has a more cheerful and festive character, something to keep in mind if you want to develop designs for your company.

Create signs, flyers, or banners for this day with Edit.org to announce your events, special activities, and contests, as well as to promote your offers and discounts.

On the editor, you will also find other designs related to Mexican cultures, such as customizable Hispanic Heritage templates, as well as Halloween designs.

Editable banner for Dia de los Muertos offers and discounts


Edit a Día de los Muertos banner template at Edit.org

  1. Click on any design in the article to get started or go to the editor
  2. Select the flyer, banner, or sign you like best
  3. Customize it as you like
  4. Save the layout
  5. Download the final result for printing or share it online

Customizable Day of the Day posters for events


Day of the Dead banner and card templates

In the template, describe the activities that your organization organizes for the date. Use medium font size to read the information clearly and visibly, although the text cannot occupy most of the composition space. Also include the date, the ticket price, and your contact information. If you organize different activities, you can also create a calendar of events.

On the other hand, many companies and entities organize contests or launch promotions for that particular day. Detail their conditions and specify other information such as sorts of discounts, possible prizes, or their duration or deadline.

Regarding the design, include skulls and different colors in the composition. Use purple or violet predominantly, which are the most representative colors. You can add Halloween elements such as bats or pumpkins if necessary. Don't forget to insert your images, corporate colors, and logo.

Editable cover image for Dia de los Muertos


Day of the Dead printable designs

Once you finalize your design, save it in the editor's user profile. You can access it whenever you wish to continue editing it. It will also be easy for you to create copies from the same template, which saves a lot of time as if you had an in-house designer!

Start now by editing a predesigned Day of the Dead design at Edit.org.

See the designs

Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
Edit a Day of the Dead template
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Edit a Day of the Dead template