Use the free PESTEL analysis templates from the publisher to edit online and print on paper. Complete the fields and analyze your business.
Doing a PESTEL (or PEST) analysis of your project, startup, product or company is very useful to know the real chances of success in a given business sector. On our editor you'll also find other canvas templates such as Mission, Vision and Values canvas, Buyer Persona canvas, SWOT templates or Business Model Canvas.
The factors that this canvas analyzes are:
Hence the name PESTEL, since it is an acronym with the capital letters of the concepts to be analyzed. The difference with the PEST version is that it is smaller, since it simply does not analyze the last two fields.
Click on any PESTEL (or PESTLE) canvas of this article and you can edit it online with our editor. You can save each version you make in the cloud, and even download the completed canvas for free in image format (JPG, PNG or PDF), so that you can share it online or send it to print.
Create your PESTEL analysis canvas online now with the editor